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Hekdesh for the Jewish Institutions in Belgium
הקדש למען מוסדות יהודיים בבלגיה
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Who we are

“Tfusot Hul Hazafon” is an official Israeli non-profit Association (“Amuta” in Hebrew), constituted in Israel, in 2012, under Registration number 58-0560365; its public objectives are the  welfare  and the  needed Jewish  Institutions in  Belgium, especially in  Antwerp. Tfusot is receiving moneys, in Israel and overseas, from private and corporate donators, and is distributing subsidies to carefully selected Belgian Jewish Institutions who care, in Belgium, of welfare and humanitarian objectives, such as charity, food and clothing, elderly people, education, security, etc.


As  requested  by  the  Israeli  Registrar  of  Non-Profit Associations,  an  Israeli  non-profit association is not a “sparing” entity but a direct way to fulfill its purposes within short time to distribute its funds, as soon as requested and possible.


But what to do if serious contributed amounts of money should serve those specific public purposes, for as long as possible, and not as quick as possible?


Therefore an “Hekdesh” - a registered Israeli non-profit Endowment (comparable to a public Foundation) - is founded and dully registered.

The “Israeli Endowment for Jewish Institutions in Belgium” (“Hekdesh” in Hebrew), is an official Israeli non-profit Foundation, constituted by Tfusot and registered in Israel, in 2015, under Registration number 59-0036885 (hereinafter: “EJIB”); its public objectives are the welfare and the needed of Jewish Welfare Institutions in Belgium, especially in Antwerp.

What we do


EJIB shall collect moneys, in Israel and overseas, and shall distribute subsidies to carefully selected official Belgian Jewish Institutions who care, in Belgium, of welfare and humanitarian objectives, such as charity and ->

Art Class





elderly people

Food Box Delivery


food and clothing

Security Room




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